Test Automation – Faster and Better

By: Terry Brennan, Managing Director

In the previous article, we introduced Continuous Testing including drivers, QA challenges, and the nine key elements that make up Continuous Testing. In this article, we are going to focus on the Test Automation element.

Increasing business pressure, more frequent agile cycles, and disruptive DevOps changes are significantly impacting the world of testing and QA. Many of these changes can be supported by the idea of DevOps. So, what is DevOps? That depends on who you ask, but here’s a definition:

“The blending of Dev and Ops across the overall lifecycle from identified need to deployed value in production that connects people, processes, and tools with a lean foundation and a focus on culture, automation, and continuous flow.”

As DevOps has changed the game, the emphasis on automation has increased. To meet the faster cycle times while maintaining confidence in quality, test automation has become critical. The different types of testing should be examined for potential automation that can be executed within continuous testing cycles.

To enable successful testing automation efforts, make sure to:

  • Adopt an automation first-mindset
  • Build the “right” automation
  • Address test automation tooling
  • Create solid automation architecture and framework

Read more in Terry Brennan’s second LinkedIn article here.

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