Achieving Continuous Delivery ROI in 30 days

Achieving continuous

While many areas of the DevOps landscape have matured over the past decade, such as CI, IAC and Testing, the approach to CD has been predominantly addressed in a tactical patchwork method by extending surrounding CI tools to drive CD workflow.

DevSecOps in a Dangerous World

DevOps Dengerous World

As nimble organizations deliver new innovations, bad actors are upping their games. Leveraging their ability to exploit — and even plant — security vulnerabilities in the software supply chain. To avoid becoming a statistic, your firm must fight back by automating security directly into the DevOps pipeline.

Leveraging the Container Ecosystem

Leveraging the Container Ecosystem

By: Terry Brennan, Managing Director Driving to fast, stable, secure, and reliable software delivery If you are involved with software development or operations, you have likely heard about container technology. It holds great promise, but at the same time introduces a new ecosystem of technologies and additional complexities. The need for faster, predictable, and agile […]