Responding to the Digıtal Sales Shift
Virtual selling is here to stay. Have you taken the necessary steps to adapt? Orasi President and CEO, Nick Kavadellas, spoke with Paul Nolan, Sales & Marketing Management Editor-in-Chief, to influence the article “Responding to the Digıtal Sales Shift” in the Special Report “The Digital Sales Revolution.” Download the full complete report today and read […]
Seven Essential Tools of the Trade for Making Your 2021 Sales Kickoff a Success
Article published in CEOWORLD Magazine by Nick Kavadellas, President and CEO at Orasi Software. How to eliminate complexity for sales teams and increase their knowledge retention. 2020 saw sales kickoffs move from convention centers to home offices and conference tables shift to kitchen tables. And, for the immediate future anyway, it looks as if people […]
DevOps Isn’t Novel but 5 Keys to How it Delivers Business Value And Is Making Waves
Article published in VMBlog by Nick Kavadellas, President and CEO at Orasi Software. Unlike 2020, DevOps isn’t novel: it has been a part of the software delivery conversation for the past 10+ years. However, taking center stage more recently is integrating security (i.e. DevSecOps), ensuring continuous app delivery/performance, operating in hybrid environments, training teams amidst […]
Don’t Make These Common Mistakes in Virtual Hands-On Training
Article published in Training Magazine by David Hand, VP Orasi. Relying on learners to set up and use their own machine introduces a host of complications that ultimately will derail even the most prepared virtual instructor. In today’s COVID-sensitive climate, organizations are rushing to move their in-person software training to online, virtual delivery. However, most […]
Virtual Learning Labs Ease Internal, External Training Challenges During COVID-19
Article published in Association for Talent Development (ATD) by Joe Schulz: VP Emerging Technology at Orasi Software. Much like the nuance behind the classic phrase, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it,” companies are finding that the shift from traditional in-person training to modern on-demand virtual learning platforms can vary widely depending upon […]
Make the Move to Virtual Training Pay Off For Everyone
Article published in Learning Solutions Magazine. Moving from in-person delivery to online, virtual training pays off for everyone: customers, providers, and stakeholders, even (or especially) during a pandemic. An excellent example of this is the recent initiative involving the implementation of a virtual training platform by a load testing and performance testing innovator. It turns out […]
How Containers Can Lift Your DevOps Game?
Read the entire article in TechBeacon from Orasi’s Terry Brennan here. The shift toward a DevOps approach is a challenging task that can be short-circuited for reasons as varied as a static environment, slow processes, inconsistent deployments, and cultural hurdles. DevOps requires changes in many areas, and as organizations demand that DevOps empower faster, predictable, agile delivery, many have turned to […]
Key Things About Virtual Hands-On Software Training
Read the entire article in Education IT Reporter here. Like most of us in today’s new reality of a distributed workforce, enterprise-level training classes are forced to move to virtual, online formats. If you’re transitioning corporate education training classes from onsite/in-person to online, provide hands-on virtual software application training, or need dedicated software environments […]
Why Now is the Best Time to Train
Read the entire article here from ExecuNet. People need new skills. People are ready to learn. If you do not continue training, your business may fall behind and lose your competitive advantage. At first, it may sound counter-intuitive. Businesses around the world are struggling to survive the pandemic. Cost-cutting exercises and rationalization efforts are […]
Container Technology: Moving to Continuous Flow
Read the entire article from Orasi DevOps Terry Brennan here in Container Journal. Containers are on fire right now, as businesses increasingly need to deliver secure and reliable solutions without sacrificing release velocity and while controlling cost. This container momentum is apparent in virtually every analyst report on DevOps. The State of Containers By […]
Orasi Honored with Marketing Excellence Award at Dynatrace’s Perform 2020 Conference
Kennesaw-based Orasi Software received the Marketing Excellence Award – NORAM 2020 at Dynatrace’s annual conference.