The DevOps Roadmap: Orasi’s Guide to DevOps Success
Richard White, Orasi DevOps Managing Director, introduces Orasi’s DevOps service offerings, offering a roadmap to success.
Where QA Fits into a CI/CD DevOps Delivery Pipeline: A Customer Vignette
Syed Hussein, Orasi DevOps Architect, discusses a customer’s initiative to move core business applications to the cloud and move to an Agile delivery model, and how Orasi assisted them in determining where QA fits into their CI/CD DevOps delivery pipeline.
Creating a DevOps Roadmap for Financial Services and Risk Management Software
Rich Markham, Orasi Consultant, presents a recent customer engagement in which Orasi assessed the company’s current DevOps state and created a roadmap to help the company transition to a true DevOps organization.
Improving the DevOps Process in a Hospitality Point of Sale Application
Terry Brennan, Orasi DevOps Managing Director, discusses the challenges faced by a restaurant software provider and how Orasi was able to help them implement DevOps to make their processes better, easier, faster and more dynamic.
OrasiLabs Demonstration
With OrasiLabs, you bypass all that hassle by creating inexpensive, hands-on training environments in the cloud.
What is OrasiLabs?
OrasiLabs is a new concept in software training. For most people, the hardest part of delivering a software training class is building and deploying the student machines for hands-on practice.
Achieving Continuous Delivery ROI in 30 days
While many areas of the DevOps landscape have matured over the past decade, such as CI, IAC and Testing, the approach to CD has been predominantly addressed in a tactical patchwork method by extending surrounding CI tools to drive CD workflow.
Orasi all set to serve
By: Nick Kavadellas, President and CEO We are all affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic and learning new ways to navigate this novel time. Orasi Software’s priorities remain the health and safety of our families, employees and colleagues, as well as ensuring continued outstanding service to customers. As Orasi supports the CDC’s social distancing and […]