How to Choose the Right Model for Developing a Software Product or Application?

Software product

By: Jim Azar, Sr. Vice President, CTO When you hear the word ‘software development model’, chances are you think of ‘SDLC’ first. Yes, SDLC or Software Development Life Cycle is how most people understand and visualize application development. But this domain is more diverse and complex than that. SDLC is composed of a series of […]

What Is DevOps Testing? How To Create A DevOps Testing Strategy

Devops Testing

By: Mark Lewis, SVP Sales and Marketing By now, we all know that DevOps has been a radical shift in the world of business applications. As a software development methodology that integrates all the software development functions from development to operations within the same cycle, DevOps has wholly redefined how applications are planned, coded, tested, […]

DevSecOps: Can it future-proof the software development lifecycle?


By: Mark Lewis, SVP Sales and Marketing Let’s start this topic by thumbing through the pages of a recent report. Based on scans performed on 85,000 applications, it was highlighted that the average fix time for vulnerabilities found in applications was 171 days (Veracode 10th State of Software Security Report). This was very high when […]

Responding to the Digıtal Sales Shift

Virtual selling is here to stay. Have you taken the necessary steps to adapt? Orasi President and CEO, Nick Kavadellas, spoke with Paul Nolan, Sales & Marketing Management Editor-in-Chief, to influence the article “Responding to the Digıtal Sales Shift” in the Special Report “The Digital Sales Revolution.” Download the full complete report today and read […]

Moving to DevSecOps? A Checklist to Follow


By: Jim Azar, Sr. Vice President, CTO When was the last time you heard a developer mention the word ‘Waterfall’? Unless it was about a recent holiday picture on Instagram, then chances are, the word has almost vanished from developer conversations. It is easy to guess why. Agile software development approaches have replaced this word […]

Seven Essential Tools of the Trade for Making Your 2021 Sales Kickoff a Success

Article published in CEOWORLD Magazine by Nick Kavadellas, President and CEO at Orasi Software.   How to eliminate complexity for sales teams and increase their knowledge retention. 2020 saw sales kickoffs move from convention centers to home offices and conference tables shift to kitchen tables. And, for the immediate future anyway, it looks as if people […]

Difference Between DevOps and DevSecOps

Devops & Devsecops

By: Cameron Curry, Senior Principal In the old world of monolithic applications, development was isolated from other critical software development stages. This changed with DevOps, and then further, with the emergence of DevSecOps. DevOps – A quick lookDevOps is a new culture and methodology that rests on close collaboration between programmers and system administrators in […]