DevOps Isn’t Novel but 5 Keys to How it Delivers Business Value And Is Making Waves

Article published in VMBlog by Nick Kavadellas, President and CEO at Orasi Software.    Unlike 2020, DevOps isn’t novel: it has been a part of the software delivery conversation for the past 10+ years. However, taking center stage more recently is integrating security (i.e. DevSecOps), ensuring continuous app delivery/performance, operating in hybrid environments, training teams amidst […]

Best Practices for Securing Applications, Containers & Platforms

Security Architecture

In order to build and run applications securely there are key architectural components that need to be in place. Without infrastructure components like proper encryption, standard authentication methods and logging standards developers are challenged to build secure applications.

Don’t Make These Common Mistakes in Virtual Hands-On Training

Article published in Training Magazine by David Hand, VP Orasi.   Relying on learners to set up and use their own machine introduces a host of complications that ultimately will derail even the most prepared virtual instructor. In today’s COVID-sensitive climate, organizations are rushing to move their in-person software training to online, virtual delivery. However, most […]

7 Essentials for Virtual Software Training


Are you moving your on-site training to virtual classes? Do you provide hands-on software training? If so, there are seven essential things you need to know before you deliver your class online, including things to do before, during, and after class. For each, we’ll describe best practices and provide templates to make your training relevant and effective.