Key Things About Virtual Hands-On Software Training

Read the entire article in Education IT Reporter here.   Like most of us in today’s new reality of a distributed workforce, enterprise-level training classes are forced to move to virtual, online formats. If you’re transitioning corporate education training classes from onsite/in-person to online, provide hands-on virtual software application training, or need dedicated software environments […]

Shifting Left with Open Source Governance

Orasi Sonatype

With 1 in 10 open source components containing a known vulnerability, using them improperly can lead to detrimental vulnerabilities, risks, rework, and waste in the long run. Sonatype exists to unite software developers, security professionals, and IT operations. Alongside partners Orasi and Saltworks, they empower teams to continuously and remediate open source risk, without slowing down production.

The State of DevOps and Security


Terry Brennan, Orasi Managing Director, joined Chuck Harold of Security Guy Radio to discuss security from the DevOps perspective, the challenges faced by organizations beginning their DevSecOps journey, the DevSecOps transformation and the impact of shifting left.

Why Now is the Best Time to Train

Read the entire article here from ExecuNet.   People need new skills. People are ready to learn. If you do not continue training, your business may fall behind and lose your competitive advantage. At first, it may sound counter-intuitive. Businesses around the world are struggling to survive the pandemic. Cost-cutting exercises and rationalization efforts are […]